Original Google Doc

This document describes the requirements for an Aragon template based on the ideas outlined in Gardens. From an implementation perspective Gardens will require a new Aragon template which allows for a public community to coordinate resources and make decisions both effectively and collectively. This document is intended to describe the technical requirements, applications, and configuration of that template.

The Gardens Template combines concepts from Moloch and Commons Stack and leverages many existing Aragon Applications, including some of the applications maintained by 1Hive.

Included Applications


The internal permissions/connections between the Fundraising apps should be the same as in Aragon Black’s fundraising template except that all permissions which are granted to the Committee or Token Voting are instead granted to Dandelion Voting.

Additionally**, Dandelion Voting** should be considered the root authority in the organization, it should be the permission manager for all permissions, and be assigned to most permissions with notable exception of the following:

Key Permissions