
The Redemptions app is initialized by passing a Vault _vaultTokenManager _tokenManager and address[] _redeemableTokens parameters.

The Redemptions app must be granted the TRANSFER_ROLE permission on _vault and the BURN_ROLE permission on the _tokenManager.

Adding Tokens

Adding tokens to the Redemptions app is done by passing an address _token to the addRedeemableToken() function. This must be the address of a token contract.

function addRedeemableToken(address _token) external auth(ADD_TOKEN_ROLE) {
	require(_token != address(tokenManager), ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_TOKEN_MANAGER);
	require(!redeemableTokenAdded[_token], ERROR_TOKEN_ALREADY_ADDED);
	if (_token != ETH) {
		require(isContract(_token), ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_CONTRACT);

Adding the address to the Redemptions app does not transfer any tokens. What this does do is add a token contract address to the Redemptions app and make it eligible for redemption. If that token is in the Vault a user will then be able to redeem their tokens for a percentage of those tokens in the Vault. Concretely this looks like:

redeemableTokenAdded[_token] = true;
	emit AddRedeemableToken(_token);

Removing Tokens

Removing tokens from the Redemptions app is done by passing an address _token to the removeRedeemableToken() function. This must be an address that is already added to the Redemptions redeemableTokenAdded mapping.

function removeRedeemableToken(address _token) external auth(REMOVE_TOKEN_ROLE) {
	require(redeemableTokenAdded[_token], ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_ADDED);

Removing an address from the Redemptions app does not transfer any tokens. If a token is in the Vault and you remove it from the Redemptions app, it will stay in the Vault. It will, however, no longer be eligible for redemption and will no longer show up in the Redemptions app UI. Concretely this looks like: